Advocacy & Mentorship

Advocacy and mentoring in environmental and justice spheres are important aspects of my work. Main projects, both completed and ongoing, are highlighted below.
Quote, "Education is power," written on wall

At Harvard, I have served as a teaching fellow for courses in ecology and conservation biology. I have also given guest lectures for a leadership in research course (North Carolina State University, USA), a capstone conservation biology course (Rice University, USA), a biological diversity lab (Rice), and the Joint Summer Course on Biodiversity (Andalas University, Indonesia). As part of my Helen Fellowship, I designed and taught a nine-month internship for high school girls to answer scientific questions through R coding, during which I also led an Hour of Code event at a New York City middle school. As a Rice undergrad, I became certified as a student instructor to create and teach an undergrad-level course entitled “The Endangered Species & Why They Matter.” Since I believe strongly in the importance of mentors (shout out to Dr. Michael Domeracki for showing me this!), I have both sought out and provided research and/or career mentorship in a variety of contexts.

Relevant awards: Harvard Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Rice Student Taught Courses Teaching Award

Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI)

Within the Davies Lab, I actively contribute to JEDI initiatives such as the development of a fieldwork safety manual, community values webpage, and concrete JEDI commitments. I also completed a 1.5-year term on my department’s inaugural Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee, where I helped create the group’s organizational structure, initiate a safe space “teatime” for community members to discuss JEDI topics, and propose a professional development symposium for senior graduate students of diverse backgrounds. In October 2022, I will attend the SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference as a Harvard representative. At my PhD field site in Laikipia, Kenya, I am forming partnerships with Kenyan students, researchers, and institutions to help build local scientific capacity and dismantle neocolonial research systems.

I also write and speak about JEDI topics, particularly as they intersect with science and environmentalism; for example, I presented my journey as a Latina in ecology for AAAS Classroom Science Days 2018 and published a Nature correspondence encouraging early-career researchers to take action for a more equitable, healthy academia.

Woman posing at Bali Marathon stand

Along with my applied conservation research, I promote intersectional conservation and coexistence whenever possible. In September 2021, I attended the IUCN World Conservation Congress, where I participated in a Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework working group and contributed to the Marseille Manifesto. My Watson Fellowship involved much conservation activism, including racing a half marathon for the #Run4Tigers campaign, writing an op-ed for the Houston Chronicle, and promoting just conservation via social media. For UN World Wildlife Day 2018, I organized a big cat photography exhibition to raise awareness of felid endangerment. This event included projecting the photos on a large outdoor screen at Rice’s Solar Studios.

Big cat photo on outdoor screen